
a) the self, especially with a sense of self-importance

When every thought absorbs your attention completely, when you are so identified with the voice in your head and the emotions that accompany it that you lose yourself in every thought and every emotion, then you are totally identified with form and therefore in the grip of ego. Ego is a conglomeration of recurring thought forms and conditioned mental-emotional patterns that are invested with a sense of I, a sense of self.

b) (Freudian) the most central part of the mind, which mediates with ones surroundings

In the well adjusted person the ego is the executive of the personality and is governed by the reality principle.

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  • ego — ego …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Égo — Ego Voir « ego » sur le Wiktionnaire. Ego …   Wikipédia en Français

  • ego — [ ego ] n. m. inv. • 1886; mot lat. « je », par l all. ♦ Philos. Le sujet, l unité transcendantale du moi (depuis Kant). ⇒ je, moi. ♢ Psychan. Le moi. ⊗ HOM. Égaux (égal). ● ego nom masculin invariable (calque de l allemand das Ich, le je, d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • ego — ego; ego·cen·tric·i·ty; ego·cen·trism; ego·hood; ego·ism; ego·ist; ego·is·tic; ego·ity; ego·ma·nia; ego·ma·ni·ac; ego·tism; ego·tist; ego·tize; non·ego; su·per·ego; ego·cen·tric; ego·is·ti·cal; ego·is·ti·cal·ly; ego·ma·ni·a·cal; ego·tis·tic;… …   English syllables

  • EGO — is a Latin word meaning I , cognate with the Greek Εγώ (Ego) meaning I and may refer to: * Ego, super ego, and id, a psycho analytic concept of Sigmund Freud * Ego (spirituality), a sense of doership or sense of individual existence * Ego the… …   Wikipedia

  • Ego — Ego, (v. griech. bzw. lat. Ich), bezeichnet den Selbst Sinn (Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstaktivität) und ist unter der Bezeichnung Ich Gegenstand der Psychologie, der Philosophie, der Soziologie, der Religion und weiterer Wissenschaften.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ego — e go, n.; pl. {egos}. [L., I.] The conscious and permanent subject of all psychical experiences, whether held to be directly known or the product of reflective thought; the subject consciously considered as I by a person; opposed to {non ego}.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ego — / ɛgo/ s.m. [dal lat. ĕgo io ], invar. (psicanal.) [la propria persona in quanto espressione di autocoscienza] ▶◀ io. ‖ Es, super ego, super io …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • Ego — das; , s <aus lat. ego »ich«> das Ich (Philos.); vgl. ↑Alter Ego …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • ego — 1714, as a term in metaphysics, from L. ego I (cognate with O.E. ic, see I (Cf. I)). Psychoanalytic sense is from 1894; sense of conceit is 1891. Ego trip first recorded 1969. In the book of Egoism it is written, Possession without obligation to… …   Etymology dictionary

  • ego — ȇgo m <G ȇga> DEFINICIJA 1. psih. u psihoanalitičkom smislu stupanj strukture ličnosti koji ulazi u odnose sa stvarnošću, stvara ravnotežu između nagonskih (id) i moralno etičkih (super ego) težnji i vrijednosti čovjeka; spoznajni i… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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