
In a swollen manner; bloatedly.

...men who grow suddenly and swollenly rich by the opportunities of public office, and by their works of shameful robbery from the helpless citizens...

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  • swollen — swollenly, adv. swollenness, n. /swoh leuhn/, v. 1. a pp. of swell. adj. 2. enlarged by or as by swelling; puffed up; tumid. 3. turgid or bombastic. * * * …   Universalium

  • swollen — /ˈswoʊlən / (say swohluhn) verb 1. past participle of swell. –adjective 2. swelled; enlarged by or as by swelling; puffed up; tumid. 3. turgid or bombastic. –phrase 4. have a swollen head, Colloquial to be vainglorious. –swollenly, adverb …  

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