
a) Resembling kid (the material).
b) Childlike.

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  • kid — kid1 kiddish, adj. kiddishness, n. kidlike, adj. /kid/, n., v., kidded, kidding, adj. n. 1. Informal. a child or young person. 2. (used as a familiar form of address.) 3. a young goat. 4. leather made from the skin of a kid or goat, used in… …   Universalium

  • kiddish — adj Informal. youthful, young, young at heart, girlish, boyish, kidlike, childlike, Rare. childly; juvenile, juvenescent, adolescent, puerile, jejune; childish, babyish, infantile, infantine, immature …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • kid — [kid] n. [ME kide, prob. < Anglo N, akin to ON kith, Dan & Swed kid, Ger kitze] 1. a young goat or, occasionally, antelope 2. its flesh, used as a food 3. leather made from the skin of young goats, used for gloves, shoes, etc. 4. [pl.] gloves… …   English World dictionary

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