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  • Anancy — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Anansi — For other uses, see Anansi the Spider (disambiguation). Anansi (  /əˈn …   Wikipedia

  • Anansi — Ananse o también llamado Anansi es uno de los personajes más importantes de la leyendas de África occidental y del Caribe. Anansi es descrito como un héroe cultural, que actuá por parte de Nyame, su padre y Dios del cielo. Él trae la lluvia que… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Salkey, Andrew — ▪ 1996       West Indian writer (b. Jan. 30, 1928, Colón, Panama d. April 28, 1995, Amherst, Mass.), was part of the community of influential West Indian writers living in post World War II London. Salkey was born in Panama to Jamaican parents… …   Universalium

  • Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA) — preserve the natural resource base and thus contribute to building self reliance in ACP rural and agricultural development.”CTA work focuses on three key areas:*providing information products and services (e.g., publications, question and answer… …   Wikipedia

  • Andrew Salkey — (January 30, 1928 April 28, 1995) was a novelist, poet, freelance writer and journalist of Jamaican and Trinidadian origin. Salkey was born in Panama but was raised in Jamaica. He died in Amherst, Massachusetts. After completing his basic… …   Wikipedia

  • Geoffrey Philp — (born March 14, 1958) is a Jamaican poet, novelist, and playwright. He is the author of the novel, Benjamin, My Son and five poetry collections: Exodus and Other Poems , hurricane center , Florida Bound , xango music , and Twelve Poems and A… …   Wikipedia

  • Caribbean folklore — Many elements of Caribbean folklore (the orally transmitted beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people) are African in origin, given that Slaves brought from Africa s West (or Gold) Coast made up a large majority of those brought to the… …   Wikipedia

  • tacumah — Rasta Dictionary n character in Anancy tales. Said to be the son of Anancy. Twin ticuma …   English dialects glossary

  • nancy story — noun W. Indian 1》 a traditional African folk tale about Anancy the spider, who overcomes others by cunning. 2》 an elaborate evasive story or lie. Origin nancy, from Anancy, from Akan ananse spider …   English new terms dictionary

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