
Light tickling often accompanied by an itching sensation.

Pending a better nomenclature we suggest for the former the term knismesis and for the latter the term gargalesis, with the adjectives knismic and gargalic, hyperknismesis and hyper-gargalesis for excess, etc.

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  • Knismesis and gargalesis — are the scientific terms, coined in 1897 by psychologists G. Stanley Hall and Arthur Allin, [Hall, G. S., and A. Allin. (1897) The psychology of tickling, laughing and the comic. The American Journal of Psychology 9:1 ndash;42.] used to describe… …   Wikipedia

  • Knismesis y gargalesis — son los términos científicos acuñados en 1897 por los psicólogos Stanley Hall y Arthur Allin para describir dos tipos de cosquillas.[1] Knismesis La knismesis se refiere a las cosquillas ligeras, del tipo de las producidas al hacerlas con una… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • gargalesis — noun Heavy tickling often leading to laughter. Pending a better nomenclature we suggest for the former the term knismesis and for the latter the term gargalesis, with the adjectives knismic and gargalic, hyperknismesis and hyper gargalesis for… …   Wiktionary

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