drop in the ocean

drop in the ocean

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  • drop in the ocean — A drop in the ocean implies that something will have little effect because it is small and mostly insignificant …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • drop in the ocean —    A drop in the ocean implies that something will have little effect because it is small and mostly insignificant.   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***    A drop in the ocean is a very small quantity compared to the amount needed or expected.… …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • Drop in the Ocean —   A drop in the ocean implies that something will have little effect because it is small and mostly insignificant …   Dictionary of English idioms

  • (a) drop in the ocean — a drop in the ocean phrase a very small amount that will not have much effect This money is just a drop in the ocean compared to what’s needed. Thesaurus: small amounts or pieces of somethingsynonym Main entry: drop * * * a ˌdrop in the ˈocean …   Useful english dictionary

  • a drop in the ocean — see ↑drop, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑ocean …   Useful english dictionary

  • a drop in the ocean (or N. Amer. bucket) — a very small amount compared with what is needed or expected. → drop …   English new terms dictionary

  • a drop in the ocean — ► a drop in the ocean a very small amount compared with what is needed. Main Entry: ↑drop …   English terms dictionary

  • (a) drop in the ocean — British, American & Australian, American a very small amount in comparison to the amount that is needed. A hundred thousand may seem a lot but it s a drop in the ocean compared to the millions that need to be spent …   New idioms dictionary

  • a drop in the ocean — a very small amount that will not have much effect This money is just a drop in the ocean compared to what s needed …   English dictionary

  • drop in the ocean — small piece of a very large thing, tiny part of something …   English contemporary dictionary

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