
Any animal that is not a primate

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  • primate — primatal, adj., n. primatial /pruy may sheuhl/, primatical /pruy mat i keuhl/, adj. /pruy mayt/ or, esp. for 1, /pruy mit/, n. 1. Eccles. an archbishop or bishop ranking first among the bishops of a province or country. 2. any of various… …   Universalium

  • Dendritic cell — A dendritic cell Dendritic cells in skin Dendritic cells …   Wikipedia

  • evolution — evolutional, adj. evolutionally, adv. /ev euh looh sheuhn/ or, esp. Brit., /ee veuh /, n. 1. any process of formation or growth; development: the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane. 2. a product of such development; something… …   Universalium

  • animal learning — ▪ zoology Introduction       the alternation of behaviour as a result of individual experience. When an organism can perceive and change its behaviour, it is said to learn.       That animals can learn seems to go without saying. The cat that… …   Universalium

  • Plasmodium — The parasite guilty in the case of malaria (paludism). Plasmodium is a type of protozoa, a single celled organism able to divide only within a host cell. * * * A genus of the protozoan family Plasmodidae (suborder Haemosporina, subclass Coccidia) …   Medical dictionary

  • Tubercle — A small tuber, a small lump or bump. * * * 1. A nodule, especially in an anatomic, not pathologic, sense. 2. A circumscribed, rounded, solid elevation on the skin, mucous membrane, or surface of an organ. 3. A slight …   Medical dictionary

  • Chimpanzee-human last common ancestor — The chimpanzee human last common ancestor (CHLCA, CLCA, or C/H LCA) is the last species, a species of African apes, that humans, bonobos and chimpanzees share as a common ancestor. The CHLCA is generally used as an anchor point for calculating… …   Wikipedia

  • nucleus interpositus anterior — [TA] n. emboliformis; the term is preferred in official terminology when considering nonprimate mammals, and is occasionally used to refer to primates …   Medical dictionary

  • nucleus interpositus posterior — [TA] n. globosus; the term is preferred in official terminology when considering nonprimate mammals, and is occasionally used to refer to primates …   Medical dictionary

  • nucleus lateralis cerebelli — [TA] n. dentatus; the term is preferred in official terminology when considering nonprimate mammals, and is occasionally used to refer to primates. Called also dentate n …   Medical dictionary

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