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flowthrough — /ˈfloʊθru/ (say flohthrooh) noun 1. the movement of air, liquid, etc., passing through a confined space. 2. the consequence of a previous event or condition: the flowthrough from wage indexation. –adjective 3. of or relating to flowthrough:… …
flowthrough ventilation — /floʊθru vɛntəˈleɪʃən/ (say flohthrooh ventuh layshuhn) noun the system of ventilating the interiors of motor cars, etc., in which air enters through ducts at the front and leaves through ducts in the rear, the windows being shut …
Integrated flowthrough — Integrated flowthrough, in telecommunications, refers to the disciplines and techniques by which a Communications Service Provider (CSP) may achieve and maintain high levels of automation, efficiency and accuracy in operational processes such as… … Wikipedia
Greater Sudbury municipal election, 2006 — The Greater Sudbury municipal election, 2006 was held in the city of Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada on November 13, 2006. All municipal elections in the province of Ontario are held on the same date; see Ontario municipal elections, 2006 for… … Wikipedia
Service fulfillment — Fulfillment of telecommunications services involves a series of supply chain activities responsible for assembling and making services available to subscribers. These activities delineate an operational infrastructure which efficiency relies upon … Wikipedia