- aboulia
- noun /əˈbuːlɪə/
, 1969: He felt without volition, plunged into a state of aboulia. — John Fowles, The French Lieutenants Woman
Wikipedia foundation.
, 1969: He felt without volition, plunged into a state of aboulia. — John Fowles, The French Lieutenants Woman
Wikipedia foundation.
Aboulia — or Abulia (from the Greek αβουλία , meaning non will ), in neurology, refers to a lack of will or initiative. The patient is unable to act or make decisions independently. It may range in severity from subtle to overwhelming. Abulia may result… … Wikipedia
aboulia — [ə bo͞o′lē ə, əbyo͞o′lē ə] n. alt. sp. of ABULIA … English World dictionary
aboulia — SYN: abulia. * * * aboulia, aboulic var of ABULIA, ABULIC * * * abou·lia (ə booґle ə) abulia … Medical dictionary
aboulia — /əˈbuliə/ (say uh boohleeuh), / jə/ (say yuh) noun the inability, usually pathological, to make or to act on decisions. Also, abulia. {Greek aboulia ill counsel} –aboulic, adjective …
aboulia — , abulia n. loss of will power. ♦ aboulic, a. ♦ aboulomania, n. form of insanity marked by aboulia … Dictionary of difficult words
aboulia — aboulic, adj. /euh booh lee euh/, n. abulia. * * * … Universalium
aboulia — eɪ buËlɪə /É™bju n. mental disorder in which free will is lost or impaired (Psychology) … English contemporary dictionary
aboulia — n. (also abulia) the loss of will power as a mental disorder. Derivatives: aboulic adj. Etymology: Gk a not + boule will … Useful english dictionary
Abulia — Aboulia o Abulia, en neurología, se refiere a la falta de voluntad o iniciativa y es uno de los trastornos de Disminución de la Motivación. Aboulia cae en el medio del espectro de la motivación disminuida, con la apatía siendo menos extrema y el… … Wikipedia Español
abulia — abulic, adj. /euh byooh lee euh, euh booh /, n. Psychiatry. a symptom of mental disorder involving impairment or loss of volition. Also, aboulia. [1840 50; < NL, prob. not < Gk aboulía thoughtlessness, but freshly formed from A 6, Gk boulé will,… … Universalium