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sulfurized — v. treat with sulfur, sulfuret; fumigate with sulfur or sulfur dioxide … English contemporary dictionary
sulfurized — adjective treated or impregnated with sulfur sulfuretted hydrogen • Syn: ↑sulphuretted, ↑sulfuretted • Pertains to noun: ↑sulfur (for: ↑sulfuretted), ↑sulfur, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
sulfuretted — adjective treated or impregnated with sulfur sulfuretted hydrogen • Syn: ↑sulphuretted, ↑sulfurized • Pertains to noun: ↑sulfur, ↑sulfur (for: ↑sulfurized), ↑ … Useful english dictionary
High speed steel — (often abbreviated HSS, sometimes HS) is a material usually used in the manufacture of machine tool bits and other cutters. It is often used in power saw blades and drill bits. It is superior to the older high carbon steel tools used extensively… … Wikipedia
gold — /gohld/, n. 1. a precious yellow metallic element, highly malleable and ductile, and not subject to oxidation or corrosion. Symbol: Au; at. wt.: 196.967; at. no.: 79; sp. gr.: 19.3 at 20°C. 2. a quantity of gold coins: to pay in gold. 3. a… … Universalium
Gold — /gohld, gawld/, n. Nanay. /gohld/, n. 1. Herbert, born 1924, U.S. novelist and short story writer. 2. Thomas, born 1920, U.S. astronomer, born in Austria: formulated the steady state theory of the universe. * * * I Metallic chemical element, one… … Universalium
limonene — /lim euh neen /, n. Chem. a liquid terpene, C40H16, occurring in two optically different forms, the dextrorotatory form being present in the essential oils of lemon, orange, etc., and the levorotatory form in Douglas fir needle oil. [1835 45; … Universalium
machine tool — machine tooled, adj. a power operated machine, as a lathe, used for general cutting and shaping of metal and other substances. [1860 65] * * * Stationary, power driven machine used to cut, shape, or form materials such as metal and wood. Machine… … Universalium
sulfurize — sulfurization, n. /sul fyeuh ruyz , feuh /, v.t., sulfurized, sulfurizing. 1. to combine, treat, or impregnate with sulfur. 2. to fumigate with sulfur dioxide. Also, esp. Brit., sulphurise. [1785 95; < F sulfuriser. See SULFUR, IZE] * * * … Universalium
organosulfur compound — ▪ chemical compound Introduction also spelled organosulphur compound , also called organic sulfur compound a subclass of organic substances that contain sulfur and that are known for their varied occurrence and unusual properties. They are… … Universalium