impersonal subject

impersonal subject
a pronoun such as it use as the subject of a clause involving weather or time

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  • Impersonal verb — In linguistics, an impersonal verb is a verb that cannot take a true subject, because it does not represent an action, occurrence, or state of being of any specific person, place, or thing. The term weather verb is also sometimes used, since such …   Wikipedia

  • Impersonal — Im*per son*al, a. [L. impersonalis; pref. im not + personalis personal: cf. F. impersonnel. See {Personal}.] Not personal; not representing a person; not having personality. [1913 Webster] An almighty but impersonal power, called Fate. Sir J.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Impersonal verb — Impersonal Im*per son*al, a. [L. impersonalis; pref. im not + personalis personal: cf. F. impersonnel. See {Personal}.] Not personal; not representing a person; not having personality. [1913 Webster] An almighty but impersonal power, called Fate …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • impersonal — [im pʉr′sə nəl] adj. [LL impersonalis] 1. not personal; specif., a) without connection or reference to any particular person [an impersonal comment] b) not existing as a person [an impersonal force] 2. not showing human feelings, esp. sympathy or …   English World dictionary

  • impersonal — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not influenced by or involving personal feelings. 2) featureless and anonymous. 3) not existing as a person. 4) Grammar (of a verb) used only with a formal subject (in English usually it) and expressing an action not attributable… …   English terms dictionary

  • Impersonal — (Impersonell, v. lat.), unpersönlich; daher Impersonale, Verbum, welches kein persönliches Subject zuläßt, z.B. es regnet …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • impersonal verb — In current English this term is restricted to verbs used in the third person singular with indefinite it as subject, e.g. it is snowing, when it rains, it makes no difference …   Modern English usage

  • Impersonal passive voice — The impersonal passive voice is a verb voice that decreases the valency of an intransitive verb (which has valency one) to zero.The impersonal passive deletes the subject of an intransitive verb. In place of the verb s subject, the construction… …   Wikipedia

  • subject — I adj. (cannot stand alone) subject to (subject to change) II n. topic, theme 1) to bring up, broach; pursue; tackle a subject 2) to address, cover, deal with, discuss, take up, treat a subject 3) to dwell on; exhaust; go into a subject 4) to… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • impersonal — /ɪmˈpɜsənəl / (say im persuhnuhl) adjective 1. not personal; without personal reference or connection: an impersonal remark. 2. not exhibiting a warmth of feeling flowing from a personal involvement or interest: an impersonal greeting; an… …  

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