
a) To decrease the energy of something
b) To move an atom etc to a lower energy level

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  • de-excite — de excitation, deexcitation, n. /dee ik suyt /, v., de excited, de exciting. Physics. v.t. 1. to cause (an atom) to fall from an excited energy level to a lower energy level. v.i. 2. to become de excited. Also, deexcite. [1960 65] * * * …   Universalium

  • de-excite — de excitation, deexcitation, n. /dee ik suyt /, v., de excited, de exciting. Physics. v.t. 1. to cause (an atom) to fall from an excited energy level to a lower energy level. v.i. 2. to become de excited. Also, deexcite. [1960 65] …   Useful english dictionary

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