curl someone's hair

curl someone's hair

"Im not hankering for the dramatic in life, but we had a run last night that would curl your hair."

See Also: hair-curling

Wikipedia foundation.

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  • curl someone's hair — curl (someone s) hair American, American to frighten or shock someone. The scene where the guy follows her into the apartment curled my hair …   New idioms dictionary

  • make someone's hair curl — To shock someone extremely • • • Main Entry: ↑hair * * * make someone’s hair curl humorous phrase to make someone suddenly feel shocked Thesaurus: to make someone feel shocked or surprisedsynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • make someone's hair stand on end — HORRIFY, shock, appal, scandalize, stun; make someone s blood run cold; informal make someone s hair curl. → hair * * * make someone s hair stand on end To frighten or astonish someone greatly • • • Main Entry: ↑hair * * * make someone’s hair… …   Useful english dictionary

  • make someone's hair curl — ► make someone s hair curl informal shock or horrify someone. Main Entry: ↑curl …   English terms dictionary

  • curl hair — curl (someone s) hair American, American to frighten or shock someone. The scene where the guy follows her into the apartment curled my hair …   New idioms dictionary

  • make someone's hair stand on end — the truth about Corrine would make your hair stand on end Syn: horrify, shock, appall, scandalize, stun; make someone s blood run cold; informal make someone s hair curl, turn someone s hair white …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • curl — ► VERB 1) form or cause to form a curved or spiral shape. 2) move in a spiral or curved course. 3) (curl up) informal writhe with embarrassment, shame, or amusement. 4) play at the game of curling. ► NOUN 1) something in the shape of a spiral or… …   English terms dictionary

  • hair — [ her ] noun *** uncount the thing that grows on your head in a mass of thin fibers: long black hair a girl with dark shoulder length hair He wore his hair in a ponytail. You need to brush your hair before you go out. a. uncount hair that grows… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • make someone's hair curl — humorous to make someone suddenly feel shocked …   English dictionary

  • curl — curl1 [ kɜrl ] verb ** 1. ) curl or curl up intransitive or transitive to form a curved or round shape, or give something this shape: Jane had short hair curling around her face. As she talked, she curled a strand of hair on one finger. Sam s… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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