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multielement photodetector — daugiaelementis fotodetektorius statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. multielement photodetector vok. Mehrelementenphotodetektor, m rus. многоэлементный фотодетектор, m pranc. photodétecteur à éléments multiples, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Driven element — Active element redirects here. For the devices used in electronic circuits, see active component. A Yagi antenna with one driven element (A) called a folded dipole, and 5 parasitic elements (B and C). A feed line leading to the receiver (not… … Wikipedia
Radiometric dating — (often called radioactive dating) is a technique used to date materials such as rocks, usually based on a comparison between the observed abundance of a naturally occurring radioactive isotope and its decay products, using known decay rates.[1]… … Wikipedia
Log-periodic antenna — In telecommunication, a log periodic antenna (LP, also known as a log periodic array) is a broadband, multielement, unidirectional, narrow beam antenna that has impedance and radiation characteristics that are regularly repetitive as a… … Wikipedia
Responsivity — measures the input–output gain of a detector system. For a system that responds linearly to its input, there is a unique responsivity. For nonlinear systems, the responsivity is the local slope (derivative). [cite book | title = Multielement… … Wikipedia
Conodont — Conodonts Temporal range: 495–199.6 Ma … Wikipedia
Dispersion (optics) — This article is about dispersion of waves in optics. For other forms of dispersion, see Dispersion (disambiguation). In a prism, material dispersion (a wavelength dependent refractive index) causes different colors to refract at different angles … Wikipedia
Sensitometry — is the scientific study of light sensitive materials, especially photographic film. The study has its origins in the work by Ferdinand Hurter and Vero Charles Driffield (circa 1876) with early black and white emulsions. [Hurter, Ferdinand… … Wikipedia
Active pixel sensor — An active pixel sensor (APS) is an image sensor consisting of an integrated circuit containing an array of pixel sensors, each pixel containing a photodetector and an active amplifier. There are many types of active pixel sensors including the… … Wikipedia
Ionomics — The ionome is the mineral nutrient and trace element composition of an organism, representing the inorganic component of cellular and organismal systems. Ionomics, the study of the ionome, requires application of high throughput elemental… … Wikipedia