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factorially — factorial Mathematics ► NOUN ▪ the product of an integer and all the integers below it, e.g. 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 (factorial 4, denoted by 4! and equal to 24). ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to a factor or factorial. DERIVATIVES factorially adverb … English terms dictionary
factorially — fac·to·ri·al·ly … English syllables
factorially — adverb see factorial I … Useful english dictionary
factorial — factorially, adv. /fak tawr ee euhl, tohr /, n. 1. Math. the product of a given positive integer multiplied by all lesser positive integers: The quantity four factorial (4!) = 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 24. Symbol: n!, where n is the given integer. adj. 2.… … Universalium
Political spectrum — A political spectrum (plural spectra) is a way of modeling different political positions by placing them upon one or more geometric axes symbolizing independent political dimensions.Most long standing spectra include a right wing and left wing,… … Wikipedia
Disulfide bond — In chemistry, a disulfide bond (Br.E. disulphide bond) is a covalent bond, usually derived by the coupling of two thiol groups. The linkage is also called an SS bond or disulfide bridge. The overall connectivity is therefore R S S R. The… … Wikipedia
Full configuration interaction — (or full CI) is a linear variational approach which provides numerically exact solutions (within the given one particle basis set) to the electronic Schrödinger equation. Explanation It is a special case of the configuration interaction method in … Wikipedia
N-Electron Valence state Perturbation Theory — In quantum chemistry, N Electron Valence state Perturbation Theory (NEVPT) is a perturbative treatment applicable to multireference CASCI type wavefunctions. It can be considered as a generalization of the well known second order Møller Plesset… … Wikipedia
evolution — evolutional, adj. evolutionally, adv. /ev euh looh sheuhn/ or, esp. Brit., /ee veuh /, n. 1. any process of formation or growth; development: the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane. 2. a product of such development; something… … Universalium
Cladogram — For help on how to use cladograms in Wikipedia, see Help:Cladograms A horizontal cladogram, with the ancestor (not named) to the left … Wikipedia