wide shot

wide shot
A video or film recording made with the camera positioned to observe the most action in the performance.

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  • Wide shot — FilmM abbreviation WS. This subject takes up the full frame or at least as much as comfortably possible. In other words the subjects head is near the top of the frame and their feet are near the bottom of the frame. It is easy for more than 1,2… …   Audio and video glossary

  • Shot (filmmaking) — In film, a shot is a continuous strip of motion picture film, created of a series of frames, that runs for an uninterrupted period of time. Shots are generally filmed with a single camera and can be of any duration. A shot in production, defined… …   Wikipedia

  • wide — 1. adjective /waɪd/ a) Having a large physical extent from side to side. We walked down a wide corridor. b) Large in scope. The inquiry had a wide remit. Ant: narrow, thin, skinny …   Wiktionary

  • wide-angle —    , wide angle lens, wide angle shot    Wide angle refers to a view that has or covers a field of vision (an angle of view) wider than the ordinary, to an angle of 50° or greater, as when seen through a lens of shorter than normal (50 mm) focal… …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • wide´ness — wide «wyd», adjective, wid|er, wid|est, adverb, noun. –adj. 1. filling more space from side to side than the usual thing of the same sort; not narrow; broad: »a wide street, a wide hall …   Useful english dictionary

  • wide of the mark — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Far from the target or the thing aimed at. * /James threw a stone at the cat but it went wide of the mark./ 2. Far from the truth; incorrect. * /You were wide of the mark when you said I did it, because Bill did it./… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • wide of the mark — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Far from the target or the thing aimed at. * /James threw a stone at the cat but it went wide of the mark./ 2. Far from the truth; incorrect. * /You were wide of the mark when you said I did it, because Bill did it./… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • wide-angle — wide′ an′gle adj. 1) pht of or pertaining to a lens having a relatively wide angle of view, generally 45° or more 2) pht employing or made with a wide angle lens: a wide angle shot[/ex] • Etymology: 1875–80 …   From formal English to slang

  • wide-an|gle — «WYD ANG guhl», adjective. requiring the use of or made with a wide angle lens: »a wide angle shot …   Useful english dictionary

  • shot — noun 1 act of firing a gun ADJECTIVE ▪ excellent, fine, good, well placed ▪ clean ▪ He killed them with a clean shot to their heads. ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

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