- vinylidene
Wikipedia foundation.
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vinylidene — [vī nil′ə dēn΄] n. 〚 VINYL + ID(E) + INE3〛 the divalent radical CH2:C derived from ethylene * * * … Universalium
vinylidene — [vī nil′ə dēn΄] n. [ VINYL + ID(E) + INE3] the divalent radical CH2:C derived from ethylene … English World dictionary
vinylidene- — viniliden statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Grupė. formulė CH₂=C= atitikmenys: angl. vinylidene rus. винилиден ryšiai: sinonimas – eteniliden … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
vinylidene resin — n. any synthetic resin in which the basic structure consists of the H2C:CR2 group, where R usually is a halogen … English World dictionary
vinylidene fluoride — vinylidene fluoride, a colorless gas used in making synthetic rubber. Formula: C2H2F2 … Useful english dictionary
vinylidene resin — noun or vinylidene plastic : any of a group of tough thermoplastic resins or plastics formed by polymerization or copolymerization of a vinylidene compound (as vinylidene chloride with or without vinyl chloride or acrylonitrile) and used… … Useful english dictionary
vinylidene chloride — /vuy nil i deen /, Chem. a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid, C2H2Cl, that is copolymerized chiefly with vinyl chloride to form saran. * * * ▪ chemical compound also called 1,1 dichloroethylene a colourless, dense, toxic, volatile,… … Universalium
vinylidene chloride — viniliden(di)chloridas statusas T sritis chemija formulė CH₂=CCl₂ atitikmenys: angl. vinylidene chloride; vinylidene dichloride rus. винилидендихлорид; винилиденхлорид ryšiai: sinonimas – 1,1 dichloretenas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
vinylidene dichloride — viniliden(di)chloridas statusas T sritis chemija formulė CH₂=CCl₂ atitikmenys: angl. vinylidene chloride; vinylidene dichloride rus. винилидендихлорид; винилиденхлорид ryšiai: sinonimas – 1,1 dichloretenas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
vinylidene group — Chem. the bivalent group C2H2, derived from ethylene. Also, vinylidene radical. [VINYL + ID3 + ENE] * * * … Universalium
vinylidene chloride — noun : a low boiling flammable liquid compound CH2 . CCl2 prepared usually from trichloroethane and used in making saran by polymerization; 1,1 dichloro ethylene see polyvinylidene chloride * * * /vuy nil i deen /, Chem. a colorless, volatile,… … Useful english dictionary