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nucleolytic — Reactions involve the hydrolysis of a phosphodiester bond in a nucleic acid … Forensic science glossary
Gastrointestinal tract — Digestive system diagram The digestive tract (also known as the alimentary canal) is the system of organs within multicellular animals that takes in food, digests it to extract energy and nutrients, and expels the remaining waste. The major… … Wikipedia
Flap endonuclease — Flap endonucleases (FENs, also known as 5 nucleases in older references) are a class of nucleolytic enzymes that act as both 5 3 exonucleases and structure specific endonucleases on specialised DNA structures that occur during the biological… … Wikipedia
Telosoma — Imagen de microscopía que muestra cromosomas preparados mediante una técnica conocida como FISH (Hibridación fluorescente in situ), en la que se observan los telómeros en amarillo … Wikipedia Español
nonnucleolytic — adjective Not nucleolytic … Wiktionary
ribonucleolytic — adjective That cuts the internucleotide link in RNA See Also: nucleolytic … Wiktionary