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stork — storklike, adj. /stawrk/, n., pl. storks, (esp. collectively) stork. 1. any of several wading birds of the family Ciconiidae, having long legs and a long neck and bill. Cf. adjutant stork, jabiru, marabou (def. 1), white stork … Universalium
shoebill — /shooh bil /, n. a large, African, storklike bird, Balaeniceps rex, having a broad, flattened bill shaped somewhat like a shoe. [1870 75; SHOE + BILL2] * * * ▪ bird also called shoe billed stork or whale headed stork large African… … Universalium
ciconiiform — ▪ bird Introduction any member of the five or six families of storklike (stork) birds (bird): herons (heron) and bitterns (bittern) (Ardeidae), the shoebill (sole species of the Balaenicipitidae), the hammerhead (sole species of the Scopidae) … Universalium
shoebill — shoe•bill [[t]ˈʃuˌbɪl[/t]] n. orn a large, storklike bird, Balaeniceps rex, of E Africa, having a very broad, mottled bill • Etymology: 1870–75 … From formal English to slang
traipse — [trāps] [Informal or Dial.] Informal Dial. vi., vt. traipsed, traipsing [earlier trapse, prob. < or akin to Fris trapsen, to walk aimlessly, with storklike gait, intens. of * trappen; akin to MDu, to tread, stamp, OE treppan: see TRAP1] to… … English World dictionary