- precycle
Recyling is good, but precycling - cutting out packaging in the first place and buying only what you need - is better.
Wikipedia foundation.
Recyling is good, but precycling - cutting out packaging in the first place and buying only what you need - is better.
Wikipedia foundation.
precycle — /ˈprisaɪkəl/ (say preesuykuhl) verb (i) (precycled, precycling) to anticipate the causes of waste and take action to prevent it, as by bulk ordering to avoid excessive packaging, bringing one s own containers when purchasing takeaway food, etc.… …
precycling — pp. Purchasing products based on how recyclable they are. [pre + recycling] precycle v. precycler n. Example Citations: The produce section, as it turns out, was a good place to illustrate the first rule of precycling : Don t get any packaging at … New words