- nonaccomplishment
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
nonaccomplishment — noun an act that does not achieve its intended goal • Syn: ↑nonachievement • Hypernyms: ↑act, ↑deed, ↑human action, ↑human activity • Hyponyms: ↑failure, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
nonachievement — noun Something that does not achieve the intended goal. Syn: nonaccomplishment … Wiktionary
bankruptcy — Synonyms and related words: bouncing check, breakage, breakdown, bust, collapse, crack up, crash, crippling, damage, defeat, destruction, detriment, dilapidation, disablement, disrepair, encroachment, failure, futility, harm, hobbling, hurt,… … Moby Thesaurus
defeat — Synonyms and related words: KO, Waterloo, answer, answer conclusively, argue down, baffle, bafflement, balk, balking, bankruptcy, bar, bear down, bear the palm, beat, beat all hollow, beat down, beat hollow, beating, best, betrayed hope, bilk,… … Moby Thesaurus
failure — Synonyms and related words: Grand Guignol, Passion play, Sisyphean labor, Tom show, Waterloo, also ran, antimasque, arrear, arrearage, arrears, atrocity, audience success, bad habit, bafflement, balk, ballet, bankrupt, bankruptcy, baseness,… … Moby Thesaurus
futility — Synonyms and related words: absurdity, aimlessness, bankruptcy, big deal, blank future, bleak outlook, bootlessness, counterproductiveness, counterproductivity, dead letter, defeat, emptiness, empty sound, failure, fatuity, fecklessness,… … Moby Thesaurus
loose ends — Synonyms and related words: Sisyphean labor, bad job, botch, bungling, endless task, failure, haphazardness, inexecution, messiness, neglect, nonaccomplishment, nonachievement, nonconsummation, nondischarging, nonexecution, nonfeasance,… … Moby Thesaurus
neglect — Synonyms and related words: Sisyphean labor, abandon, bad policy, be caught napping, be neglectful, be negligent, blink at, brush off, carelessness, cold shoulder, contemn, cut, cut dead, default, delinquency, dereliction, disconformity, discount … Moby Thesaurus
no go — Synonyms and related words: aimless, bankruptcy, defeat, failure, feckless, futility, ill success, impossible, impotent, ineffective, ineffectual, losing game, meaningless, nonaccomplishment, nonsuccess, of no use, pointless, purposeless,… … Moby Thesaurus
noncompletion — Synonyms and related words: Sisyphean labor, endless task, failure, inexecution, loose ends, neglect, nonaccomplishment, nonachievement, nonconsummation, nondischarging, nonexecution, nonfeasance, nonfulfillment, nonperformance, omission, rough… … Moby Thesaurus