- mimsy
- 1. adjectiveA nonce word in s combining the senses of "flimsy" and "miserable".2. nounThe vagina.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Mimsy — may refer to: Mimsy, a word introduced by Lewis Carroll in his poem Jabberwocky Mimsy, a fictional character in the TV series The Secret Life of the American Teenager Mimsy, a fictional character in the episode Crippled Summer of the TV show… … Wikipedia
mimsy — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ rather feeble and prim. ORIGIN a nonsense word coined by Lewis Carroll from MISERABLE(Cf. ↑miserably) and FLIMSY(Cf. ↑flimsy) … English terms dictionary
Mimsy Farmer — (born Merle Farmer February 28, 1945 in Chicago, Illinois) is an American actress. Her nickname came from a line in Lewis Carroll s Jabberwocky; All mimsy were the borogoves .[1] Contents 1 Career 2 Personal life … Wikipedia
Mimsy Were the Borogoves — Mimsy Were the Borogoves... Author Lewis Padgett Country United States Language English Genre(s) Science fiction short story … Wikipedia
Mimsy Farmer — (* 28. Februar 1945 in Chicago) ist eine US amerikanische Schauspielerin. Leben und Leistungen Farmer debütierte als Teenager an der Seite von Henry Fonda in der Komödie Sommer der Erwartung (1962). Im Jahr 1963 wurde sie als Herausragende neue… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mimsy Farmer — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Farmer. Mimsy Farmer est une actrice américaine, née le 28 février 1945 à Chicago de père américain et de mère française. Sommaire 1 Parcours … Wikipédia en Français
Mimsy Møller — Margaret Irene «Mimsy» Møller (born November 2, 1955 in Oslo, Norway) is a Norwegian press photographer, living in Oslo. Møller is a 1979 graduate of Bennington College, Vermont, USA, where she studied photography and German literature.[1] She… … Wikipedia
mimsy — adjective rather feeble and prim or over restrained. Origin 1871: nonsense word coined by Lewis Carroll; a blend of miserable and flimsy … English new terms dictionary
mimsy — … Useful english dictionary
Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington — Se ha sugerido que este artículo o sección sea fusionado con Anexo:Personajes de Harry Potter#Fantasmas (discusión). Una vez que hayas realizado la fusión de artículos, pide la fusión de historiales aquí. Sir N … Wikipedia Español