- slepton
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Slepton — Supersymmetrische (SUSY) Theorien der Elementarteilchenphysik sagen für jedes vorhandene Elementarteilchen die Existenz mindestens eines Partnerteilchens (Superpartners) voraus, das zunächst mit Ausnahme des Spins exakt gleiche Quantenzahlen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sleptón — Los sleptones son un conjunto de partículas elementales hipotéticas a las que corresponde ser supercompañeras de los distintos leptones. Todos los sleptones tienen spin 1, al ser bosones (los leptones son fermiones). De momento ninguno ha sido… … Wikipedia Español
slepton — … Useful english dictionary
Elementary particle — In particle physics, an elementary particle or fundamental particle is a not known to have substructure; that is, it is not known to be made up of smaller particles. If an elementary particle truly has no substructure, then it is one of the basic … Wikipedia
Sparticle — is a merging of the words supersymmetric and particle. Supersymmetry, one of the cutting edge theories in current high energy physics, predicts the existence of these shadow particles. According to the theory, when the more familiar leptons,… … Wikipedia
Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model — Beyond the Standard Model Standard Model … Wikipedia
Swampland — Recent developments in string theory suggest that the string theory landscape of vacua is vast. It is natural to ask if this landscape is as vast as allowed by consistent looking effective field theories. Some authors (like Cumrun Vafa [… … Wikipedia
Selectron — may refer to one of the following: *In particle physics, selectron is a slepton which is the hypothetical supersymmetric partner of an electron *Selectron tube, the form of computer memory … Wikipedia
Stau — may refer to one of the following: *In particle physics, stau is a slepton which is the hypothetical superpartner of an tau lepton *An obsolete letter Stigma in the Greek Alphabet *In German language, Stau is a word meaning traffic jam … Wikipedia
Split supersymmetry — In particle physics, split supersymmetry is a recent proposal for new physics beyond the Standard Model. It was proposed separately in three papers. The first by James Wells in June 2003 in a more modest form that mildly relaxed the assumption… … Wikipedia