- guest worker
A person with temporary permission to work in another country.Syn: guestworker, migrant worker, foreign worker, gastarbeiter
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
guest worker — ➔ worker * * * guest worker UK US noun [C] GOVERNMENT, LAW ► a person who is allowed by the government of another country to work in that country for a limited period: »In most nations there are limitations on the rights of guest workers … Financial and business terms
guest worker — guest .worker n a worker from one country who works in another country for a short time … Dictionary of contemporary English
guest worker — guest workers N COUNT A guest worker is a person, especially one from a poor country, who lives and works in a different country for a period … English dictionary
guest worker — guest ,worker noun count someone who goes to a foreign country to work for a period of time … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
guest worker — ► NOUN ▪ a person with temporary permission to work in another country … English terms dictionary
guest worker — n. a person who works temporarily or seasonally in a foreign country, typically in a menial or unskilled occupation … English World dictionary
guest worker — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms guest worker : singular guest worker plural guest workers someone who goes to a foreign country to work for a period of time … English dictionary
guest worker — noun a person with temporary permission to work in another country a Moroccan guestworker in Canada was accused of aiding terrorists • Syn: ↑guestworker • Hypernyms: ↑workman, ↑workingman, ↑working man, ↑working person * * * nou … Useful english dictionary
guest worker — guest′ work er n. bus a foreign worker permitted to work in a country, esp. in Western Europe, on a temporary basis • Etymology: 1965–70; trans. of G Gastarbeiter … From formal English to slang
Guest worker program — The Guest worker program is a program that has been proposed many times in the past and now also by U.S. President George W. Bush [ [http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/01/20040107 3.html The White House. President Bush Proposes New… … Wikipedia