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irregular — I UK [ɪˈreɡjʊlə(r)] / US [ɪˈreɡjələr] adjective * 1) a) separated by periods of time that are not equal irregular heartbeats His breathing had become irregular. b) happening or done at unexpected times I work irregular hours, so it s hard to… … English dictionary
Irregulär — Irregulǟr, er, este, adj. et adv. aus dem Latein. irregularis, im Gegensatze dessen was regulär ist. 1) Ungleich, den Theilen nach. Eine irreguläre Figur, deren Linien oder Winkel einander nicht gleich sind. Ein irreguläres Viereck. Ein… … Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart
irregular — ir|reg|u|lar1 [ıˈregjulə US ər] adj 1.) having a shape, surface, pattern etc that is not even, smooth, or balanced = ↑uneven ≠ ↑regular ▪ a jagged, irregular coastline ▪ It has a highly irregular shape, covered in bumps and indentations. 2.) not… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Irregular — Something that is irregular does not follow the expected pattern. The term is used in many different fields, with quite different meanings.* In astronomy, an astronomical object whose shape or behavior varies considerably from the archetype is… … Wikipedia
irregular — ► adjetivo 1 Que no tiene regularidad o uniformidad en su forma, movimiento o funcionamiento: ■ el camino tenía un pavimento muy irregular. SINÓNIMO desigual anómalo ANTÓNIMO uniforme 2 Que no se ajusta a las normas: ■ se han detectado pagos… … Enciclopedia Universal
irregular — [[t]ɪre̱gjʊlə(r)[/t]] irregulars 1) ADJ GRADED If events or actions occur at irregular intervals, the periods of time between them are of different lengths. Cars passed at irregular intervals... She was taken to hospital suffering from an… … English dictionary
irregular — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English irreguler, from Anglo French, from Late Latin irregularis not in accordance with rule, from Latin in + regularis regular Date: 14th century 1. a. not being or acting in accord with laws, rules, or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
irregular — 1 adjective 1 having a shape, surface, pattern etc that is not even, smooth, or balanced: a face with irregular features | irregular handwriting 2 not happening at points in time that are at an equal distance from each other: His heartbeat… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Plural of virus — In the English language, the plural of virus is viruses . In reference to a computer virus, the plural is often believed to be virii or, less commonly, viri, but both forms are neologistic folk etymology [Wiktionary definition… … Wikipedia
plural — [[t]plʊ͟ərəl[/t]] plurals 1) ADJ The plural form of a word is the form that is used when referring to more than one person or thing. Data is the Latin plural form of datum . ...his use of the plural pronoun we . Ant: singular 2) N COUNT The… … English dictionary