- authoring
a) The process of creating the content of a document or other content item, i.e., writing or composition.b) The result of this process; a writing or composition.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Authoring — may refer to: * Writing, as by an author. * Authoring tool. * Authoring systems. * Optical disc authoring and DVD authoring, the process of creating a DVD or a CD from multimedia source materials … Wikipedia
authoring — au‧thor‧ing [ˈɔːθərɪŋ ǁ ˈɒː ] noun [uncountable] COMPUTING the process of making multimedia products using special software, without needing to use programming language: • a useful tool for DVD authoring * * * authoring UK US /ˈɔːθərɪŋ/ noun [U]… … Financial and business terms
Authoring — DVD Authoring bezeichnet das Gesamtverfahren, bei welchem der Prototyp (Master) einer DVD aus unterschiedlichen Inhalten (Film, Video, Bilder, Tonspuren, Untertitel etc.) generiert wird. Das DVD Authoring ist ein Zwischenschritt zwischen der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
authoring — [[t]ɔ͟ːθərɪŋ[/t]] N UNCOUNT: oft N n Authoring is the creation of documents, especially for the Internet. [COMPUTING] ...software authoring tools … English dictionary
authoring — au|thor|ing [ˈo:θərıŋ US ˈo: ] n [U] the activity of writing and designing ↑websites ▪ Here are a few tips on authoring and site design … Dictionary of contemporary English
authoring — au|thor|ing [ ɔθərıŋ ] noun uncount the process of creating documents and programs on a computer using special software: a web authoring tool … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
authoring — UK [ˈɔːθərɪŋ] / US [ˈɔθərɪŋ] noun [uncountable] computing the process of creating documents and programs on a computer using special software a web authoring tool … English dictionary
Authoring of adaptive hypermedia — comprises the design and creation process of adaptive hypermedia. It has been long considered as secondary to adaptive hypermedia delivery. This is not surprising in the early stages of adaptive hypermedia, when the focus was on research and… … Wikipedia
Authoring Language — [dt. »Autorensprache«], Autorensystem … Universal-Lexikon
Authoring Software — [dt. »Autoren Software«], Autorensystem … Universal-Lexikon
Authoring System — [engl.], Autorensystem. … Universal-Lexikon