Shuttlecock — Shut tle*cock, v. t. To send or toss to and fro; to bandy; as, to shuttlecock words. Thackeray. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shuttlecock — [shut′ lkäk΄] n. 1. in badminton or other similar games, a rounded piece of cork having a flat end stuck with feathers or, now, a piece of plastic formed to resemble this: it is struck back and forth across a net with rackets or paddles 2. the… … English World dictionary
Shuttlecock — Shut tle*cock , n. A cork stuck with feathers, which is to be struck by a battledoor in play; also, the play itself. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shuttlecock — 1570s, from SHUTTLE (Cf. shuttle) + COCK (Cf. cock) (n.2) … Etymology dictionary
shuttlecock — ► NOUN ▪ a light cone shaped object struck with rackets in the games of badminton and battledore, traditionally of cork with feathers attached … English terms dictionary
Shuttlecock — Unreferenced|date=June 2007 A shuttlecock is a high drag projectile used in the sport of badminton. It has an open conical shape: the cone is formed from sixteen overlapping goose feathers embedded into a rounded cork base. The cork is covered… … Wikipedia
Shuttlecock — Federball mit Naturfedern Der im Badminton verwendete Ball wird allgemein als Shuttlecock bzw. Shuttle Cock (umgangssprachlich bzw. verallgemeinernd auch als Federball) bezeichnet. Es gibt mit Naturfederbällen und Kunststofffederbällen (auch als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ShuttleCock — Federball mit Naturfedern Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt ist nicht hinreichend mit Belegen (Literatur, Webseiten oder Einzelnachweisen) versehen. Die fraglichen Angaben werden daher möglicherweise … Deutsch Wikipedia
shuttlecock — /ˈʃʌtlkɒk / (say shutlkok) noun 1. a piece of cork, or similar light material, with feathers stuck in one end, intended to be struck to and fro, as with a racquet in the game of badminton or with a battledore in the game of battledore, or with a… …
shuttlecock — /shut l kok /, n. 1. Also called shuttle. the object that is struck back and forth in badminton and battledore, consisting of a feathered cork head and a plastic crown. 2. the game of battledore. v.t. 3. to send or bandy to and fro like a… … Universalium