
a keep-away game in which children throw around an object with the aim of keeping it away from a particular child (often the owner of the object) or from another group of children; keepings off

the taste of pencils and Louis Boccas ear / torn off by the fence in a game of salugi.

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  • salugi — /seuh looh jee/, n. 1. a gamelike prank in which a youth grabs something belonging to another and throws it to a third, preventing the owner from retrieving it as it is tossed back and forth. interj. 2. (used to signal the beginning of this prank …   Universalium

  • salugi — /seuh looh jee/, n. 1. a gamelike prank in which a youth grabs something belonging to another and throws it to a third, preventing the owner from retrieving it as it is tossed back and forth. interj. 2. (used to signal the beginning of this prank …   Useful english dictionary

  • keep-away — noun A childs game in which players throw a ball or other similar object so as to prevent a selected player from catching it. When the selected player catches the thrown object, he or she trades places with whoever threw it in a manner that… …   Wiktionary

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