
noun /ˌsaɪbədɪsɪnhɪˈbɪʃən/
The disinhibition of the expression of negative emotional impulses via on-line interactive media owing to the impalpability of others’ emotional responses — which would normally have a tempering effect on one’s behaviour — arising from the unembodied, artifical nature of such media of interaction.

The Internet undermines the quality of human interaction, allowing destructive emotional impulses freer rein under specific circumstances. The reason is a neural fluke that results in cyberdisinhibition of brain systems that keep our more unruly urges in check. […¶] Communication via the Internet can mislead the brain’s social systems. The key mechanisms are in the prefrontal cortex. […¶] In order for this regulatory mechanism to operate well, you depend on real-time, ongoing feedback from the other person. The Internet has no means of allowing such real-time feedback (other than with rarely used two-way audio/visual streams). […] This results in disinhibition: impulse unleashed. [¶…T]his disinhibition becomes far more likely when people feel strong negative emotions. What fails to be inihibited are the impulses those emotions generate. [¶] This phenomenon has been recognized since the earliest days of the Internet…as ‘flaming’: the tendency to send abrasive, angry, or otherwise emotionally ‘off’ cybermessages.

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