
Resembling a peak.

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  • peak — peak1 peakless, adj. peaklike, adj. /peek/, n. 1. the pointed top of a mountain or ridge. 2. a mountain with a pointed summit. 3. the pointed top of anything. 4. the highest or most important point or level: the peak of her political career. 5.… …   Universalium

  • Apex — From the Latin meaning summit, the apex is the tip of a pyramidal or rounded structure, like the lung or the heart. The apex of the lung is indeed its tip, its rounded most superior portion. The apex of the heart is likewise its tip, but that is… …   Medical dictionary

  • peak|y — «PEE kee», adjective, peak|i|er, peak|i|est. 1. peaked or pointed; peaklike. 2. abounding in peaks …   Useful english dictionary

  • pi|ton — «PEE ton», noun. 1. an iron bar or spike with a ring in one end to which a rope can be secured, used in mountain climbing. 2. a mountain peak or peaklike formation of rock that rises sharply and abruptly to a point. ╂[< French piton point,… …   Useful english dictionary

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