
the science and technology of creating nanoparticles and of manufacturing machines which have sizes within the range of nanometres

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  • nanotechnology — nan‧o‧tech‧nol‧o‧gy [ˌnænəʊtekˈnɒlədʒi ǁ noʊtek ˈnɑː ] noun [uncountable] a science that combines technology and chemistry to build things from atoms: • Nanotechnology could create a new generation of computer components. * * * nanotechnology UK… …   Financial and business terms

  • nanotechnology — an o*tech*nol o*gy (n[a^]n [ o]*t[e^]k*n[o^]l [ o]*j[=e]), n. The manipulation or construction of objects with sizes in the nanometer range or smaller. Note: Objects of the size of molecules may be moved and placed in specific locations using… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nanotechnology — (n.) by 1974, from NANO (Cf. nano ) + TECHNOLOGY (Cf. technology) …   Etymology dictionary

  • nanotechnology —  Nanotechnology  Нанотехнология   Совокупность методов и приемов, применяемых при изучении, проектировании, производстве и использовании структур, устройств и систем, включающих целенаправленный контроль и модификацию формы, размера, интеграции и …   Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.

  • nanotechnology — ► NOUN ▪ technology on an atomic or molecular scale, concerned with dimensions of less than 100 nanometres …   English terms dictionary

  • nanotechnology — [nan΄ō tek näl′ə jē] n. a hypothetical method or process of creating microminiature equipment by manipulating atoms and molecules as if they were parts of a machine nanotechnological [nan΄ōtek΄nə läj′i kəl] adj. nanotechnologist n …   English World dictionary

  • Nanotechnology — Part of a series of articles on …   Wikipedia

  • nanotechnology — /nan euh tek nol euh jee, nay neuh /, n. any technology on the scale of nanometers. [1987] * * * Manipulation of atoms, molecules, and materials to form structures on the scale of nanometres (billionths of a metre). These nanostructures typically …   Universalium

  • nanotechnology — [[t]næ̱noʊteknɒ̱ləʤi[/t]] N UNCOUNT Nanotechnology is the science of making or working with things that are so small that they can only be seen using a powerful microscope …   English dictionary

  • nanotechnology — nanotechnologija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Darbai su medžiagos dalelėmis ir dariniais, kurių matmenys nuo kelių iki kelių šimtų nanometrų. atitikmenys: angl. nanotechnology rus. нанотехнология …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • nanotechnology — nanotechnologija statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Medžiagų gamybos technologijų šaka, tirianti nanometrinių matmenų (nuo kelių iki kelių šimtų nanometrų) objektų (atomų ir molekulių grupių, įvairių jų darinių) susidarymo… …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

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