up someone's alley

up someone's alley
Matching a persons interests or abilities well.

This article would be right up his alley. Why dont you show it to him?

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  • up someone's alley — (also down someone s alley) chiefly US informal : suited to someone s tastes or abilities A job like that would be right up my alley! [=a job like that would suit me very well] I love books, so volunteering at the library is right up my alley.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • be right up someone's alley — be (right) up (someone s) alley informal, American & Australian, informal if something is right up someone s alley, it is exactly the type of thing that they know about or like to do. The job should be right up Steve s alley working with… …   New idioms dictionary

  • be up someone's alley — be (right) up (someone s) alley informal, American & Australian, informal if something is right up someone s alley, it is exactly the type of thing that they know about or like to do. The job should be right up Steve s alley working with… …   New idioms dictionary

  • be right up someone's alley — be right up someone’s alley informal phrase to be what someone likes or is good at doing That kind of music is right up our alley. Thesaurus: to be, or to become popular or fashionablesynonym Main entry: alley …   Useful english dictionary

  • alley — alley1 [al′ē] n. pl. alleys [ME aly < OFr alee < aler (Fr aller), to go < ML alare, contr. < L ambulare, to walk: see AMBLE] 1. a lane in a garden or park, bordered by trees or shrubs 2. a narrow street or walk, specif., a lane behind …   English World dictionary

  • alley — (n.) mid 14c., passage in a house; open passage between buildings; walkway in a garden, from O.Fr. alee (13c., Mod.Fr. allée) a path, passage, way, corridor, also a going, from fem. of ale, pp. of aler to go, which ultimately may be a contraction …   Etymology dictionary

  • be right up someone's alley — informal to be what someone likes or is good at doing That kind of music is right up our alley …   English dictionary

  • alley — I. /ˈæli / (say alee) noun (plural alleys) 1. a narrow enclosed lane. 2. a narrow backstreet. 3. a walk, enclosed with hedges or shrubbery, in a garden. 4. a long narrow enclosure with a smooth wooden floor for bowling, etc. 5. a two up school… …  

  • alley — al|ley [ æli ] noun count * 1. ) a narrow street or passage between or behind buildings: The attack occurred in a dark alley. 2. ) AMERICAN one of the two narrow areas at either side of a tennis court that are used when four people are playing be …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • alley */ — UK [ˈælɪ] / US noun [countable] Word forms alley : singular alley plural alleys a narrow street or passage between or behind buildings The attack occurred in a dark alley. • be right up someone s alley See: blind alley …   English dictionary

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