- antiperistalsis
a) reversed peristalsisb) peristalsis occurring in the opposite direction of the way it typically occurs
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
antiperistalsis — Onda de contracciones en el tracto digestivo que se desplaza hacia el extremo oral del tracto. En el duodeno, el estómago o el esófago conduce a la regurgitación. También llamada peristalsis inversa … Diccionario médico
antiperistalsis — [an΄tīper΄i stal′sis, an΄tēper΄i stal′sis, an΄tiper΄i stal′sis] n. Physiol. reverse peristaltic action in which the contents of the intestines, etc. are moved backward … English World dictionary
antiperistalsis — SYN: reversed peristalsis. * * * an·ti·peri·stal·sis .per ə stȯl səs, stäl , stal n, pl stal·ses .sēz reversed peristalsis * * * n. a wave of contraction in the alimentary canal that passes in an oral (i.e. upward or backwards) direction… … Medical dictionary
antiperistalsis — n. a wave of contraction in the alimentary canal that passes in an oral (i.e. upward or backwards) direction (compare peristalsis). It was formerly thought that antiperistalsis occurred in vomiting but modern physiological studies indicate that… … The new mediacal dictionary
antiperistalsis — n. [Gr. anti, against; peri, around; stalsis, contraction] Peristalsis occurring in reverse; reversed muscular contractions in the digestive tract … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
antiperistalsis — antiperistaltic /an tee per i stal tik, an tuy /, adj. /an tee per i stawl sis, stal , an tuy /, n. Physiol. reversed peristaltic action of the intestines, by which their contents are carried upward. [ANTI + PERISTALSIS] * * * … Universalium
antiperistalsis — n. reversed movement of the intestines resulting in an upward movement of their contents (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
antiperistalsis — an·ti·per·i·stal·sis … English syllables
antiperistalsis — /ˌæntipɛriˈstælsəs/ (say .anteeperee stalsuhs) noun inverted peristaltic action of the intestines, by which their contents are carried upwards. –antiperistaltic, adjective …
antiperistalsis — | ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷ˌ noun Etymology: New Latin, from anti (I) + peristalsis : reversed peristalsis … Useful english dictionary