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  • Mouth breathing — ICD 10 R06.5 ICD 9 784.9 Mouth breathing refers to the state of inhaling and exhaling through the mouth. A healthy individual normally breathes through the nose while resting or doing …   Wikipedia

  • Gingival enlargement — Gingival enlargement, the currently accepted terminology for an increase in the size of the gingiva, is a common feature of gingival disease. [Carranza a Clinical Periodontology, 9th Ed. W.B. Saunders 1996 ISBN 0 7216 8331 2, page 279.] This is… …   Wikipedia

  • Inflammatory papillary hyperplasia — is an oral pathologic condition that appears in the mouth as an overgrowth of tissue usually beneath a denture. It is associated with poor denture hygiene, denture overuse, and ill fitting dentures. The exact cause of inflammatory papillary… …   Wikipedia

  • zombie — [“zombi] 1. n. a weird and frightening person. □ Martin is practically a zombie. Doesn’t he ever go out in the daylight, I mean? □ Tracy’s getting to look like a zombie. Is she well? 2. n. a very stupid person. □ Is this some kind of gathering of …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Fire breathing — is the act of creating a large flame by spraying, with one s breath, a flammable liquid upon an open flame. The flame is usually held an arm s length away and the spray should be both powerful and misty. This art is said to have originated in… …   Wikipedia

  • Obligate nasal breathing — is a term used to describe either a physiological or psychological predisposition or obligation to breathe through the nose as opposed to the mouth. The term may be misleading, as it implies that the animal has no choice but to breathe through… …   Wikipedia

  • respiration — respirational, adj. /res peuh ray sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of respiring; inhalation and exhalation of air; breathing. 2. Biol. a. the sum total of the physical and chemical processes in an organism by which oxygen is conveyed to tissues and cells,… …   Universalium

  • Fish — are aquatic vertebrate animals that are typically ectothermic (previously cold blooded), covered with scales, and equipped with two sets of paired fins and several unpaired fins. Fish are abundant in the sea and in fresh water, with species being …   Wikipedia

  • fish — fishless, adj. /fish/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) fish, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) fishes, v. n. 1. any of various cold blooded, aquatic vertebrates, having gills, commonly fins, and typically an elongated body covered with …   Universalium

  • Fish — /fish/, n. Hamilton, 1808 93, U.S. statesman: secretary of state 1869 77. * * * I Any of more than 24,000 species of cold blooded vertebrates found worldwide in fresh and salt water. Living species range from the primitive lampreys and hagfishes… …   Universalium

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