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cadr — noun /ˈkɑːdə,ˈkɑdɚ/ Car of the cdr in LISP. The second element in a list. If we let x denote the tree (1 2 3), then the car of x is 1, the cdr of x is (2 3), the cadr of x is 2, the caddr of x is 3, and the cdddr of x is nil. See Also: car, cdr,… … Wiktionary
caddr — noun /ˈkɑːdədə,ˈkɑdədɚ/ Car of the cdr of the cdr in LISP. The third element in a list. If we let x denote the tree (1 2 3), then the car of x is 1, the cdr of x is (2 3), the cadr of x is 2, the caddr of x is 3, and the cdddr of x is nil. See… … Wiktionary