
Worthy or capable of being printed.

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  • printable — UK US /ˈprɪntəbl/ adjective ► IT a printable version of a document can be printed on paper using a computer printer: »Go to our website to download a printable application form in PDF format. ► COMMUNICATIONS if something is printable, it is… …   Financial and business terms

  • Printable — may refer to:* Printable character * Printable version * Quoted printable …   Wikipedia

  • printable — [print′ə bəl] adj. 1. that can be printed or printed from 2. fit to print printability n …   English World dictionary

  • printable — [[t]prɪ̱ntəb(ə)l[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu with brd neg If you say that someone s words or remarks are not printable, you mean that they are likely to offend people, and are therefore not suitable to be repeated in writing or speech. [JOURNALISM] His… …   English dictionary

  • printable — print|a|ble [ˈprıntəbəl] adj suitable to be printed and read by everyone ≠ ↑unprintable ▪ Her remarks were scarcely printable (=were very rude) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • printable — adjective suitable to be printed and read by everyone: Her remarks were scarcely printable (=were very rude) . compare unprintable …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • printable — print ► VERB 1) produce (books, newspapers, etc.) by a process involving the transfer of text or designs to paper. 2) produce (text or a picture) in such a way. 3) produce a paper copy of (information stored on a computer). 4) produce (a… …   English terms dictionary

  • printable — adjective fit for publication because free of material that is morally or legally objectionable (Freq. 1) printable language • Ant: ↑unprintable …   Useful english dictionary

  • Printable version — A printable version of an Internet HTML page is a simplified version of the webpage, rendered without navigation tools such as on screen menus. In a printable version pages generally consist of plain text and pertinent images. Inline hyperlinks… …   Wikipedia

  • printable — adjective Date: 1837 1. capable of being printed or of being printed from 2. considered fit to publish • printability noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • printable — printability, printableness, n. /prin teuh beuhl/, adj. 1. capable of being printed. 2. suitable for publication; fit to print. [1830 40; PRINT + ABLE] * * * …   Universalium

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