- telemedicine
The transfer of medical information via telecommunication technologies for the purpose of consulting or for remote medical procedures or examinations.
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telemedicine — UK US /ˈtelɪˌmedɪsən/ noun [U] ► medical treatment that involves sending information from one place to another using computers, video, etc.: »We re trying to demonstrate how telemedicine can increase the efficiency and quality of care … Financial and business terms
Telemedicine — U.S. Navy medical staff being … Wikipedia
telemedicine — tele·med·i·cine med ə sən, med sən n the practice of medicine when the doctor and patient are widely separated using two way voice and visual communication (as by satellite, computer, or closed circuit television) tele·med·i·cal med i kəl adj * * … Medical dictionary
telemedicine — n. the use of the telephone or the Internet in the diagnosis and treatment of patients by seeking advice, or a second opinion, from experts at a distant hospital. For example in telepathology digital pictures of microscope slides can be sent by… … The new mediacal dictionary
telemedicine — noun Date: 1970 the practice of medicine when the doctor and patient are widely separated using two way voice and visual communication (as by satellite, computer, or closed circuit television) … New Collegiate Dictionary
telemedicine — /tel euh med euh sin/ or, esp. Brit., / med sin/, n. the diagnosis and treatment of patients in remote areas using medical information, as x rays or television pictures, transmitted over long distances, esp. by satellite. [1965 70; TELE 1 +… … Universalium
telemedicine — n. provision of medical services via telecommunications equipment (i.e. a doctor viewing a patient in real time via satellite video) … English contemporary dictionary
telemedicine — noun the remote diagnosis and treatment of patients by means of telecommunications technology … English new terms dictionary
telemedicine — tele·medicine … English syllables
telemedicine — /ˈtɛliˌmɛdsən/ (say telee.medsuhn) noun the provision of medical services to remote areas by means of telecommunications networks such as the telephone, closed circuit television, the internet, etc. –telemedical, adjective …