- boron trifluoride
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Wikipedia foundation.
Boron trifluoride — Chembox new Name = Boron trifluoride ImageFileL1 = Boron trifluoride 2D.png ImageNameL1 = Boron trifluoride in 2D ImageFileR1 = Boron trifluoride 3D vdW.png ImageNameR1 = Boron trifluoride in 3D Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 7637 07 2… … Wikipedia
boron trifluoride — boro fluoridas statusas T sritis chemija formulė BF₃ atitikmenys: angl. boron fluoride; boron trifluoride rus. бор трехфтористый; бора трифторид ryšiai: sinonimas – boro trifluoridas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
boron trifluoride-diethyl ether — boro (tri)fluoridas dietileteris statusas T sritis chemija formulė F₃B·O(C₂H₅)₂ atitikmenys: angl. boron fluoride diethyl ether; boron trifluoride diethyl ether rus. бортрифторид диэтиловый эфир; борфторид диэтиловый эфир; диэтилэфират… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
boron trifluoride — /ˌbɔrɒn traɪˈfluraɪd/ (say .bawron truy floohruyd) noun a pungent colourless gas, BF3, which fumes in moist air, formed by the action of fluorine on boron trioxide …
boron trifluoride — noun a pungent colorless gas • Hypernyms: ↑fluoride * * * noun : a colorless pungent gas BF3 that fumes in moist air, that is made usually by reaction of a boron compound (as borax) with a fluoride (as hydrogen fluoride) and then sulfuric acid,… … Useful english dictionary
Boron — (pronEng|ˈbɔərɒn) is a chemical element with atomic number 5 and the chemical symbol B. Boron is a trivalent nonmetallic element which occurs abundantly in the evaporite ores borax and ulexite. Boron is never found as a free element on… … Wikipedia
Boron nitride — IUPAC name Boron nitride Identifiers … Wikipedia
boron — boronic /boh ron ik, baw , beuh /, adj. /bawr on, bohr /, n. Chem. a nonmetallic element occurring naturally only in combination, as in borax or boric acid, and obtained in either an amorphous or a crystalline form when reduced from its compounds … Universalium
Boron trichloride — Chembox new Name = Boron trichloride ImageFile = Boron trichloride 2D.png ImageName = Boron trichloride ImageFile1 = Boron trichloride 3D vdW.png ImageName1 = Boron trichloride IUPACName = Boron trichloride OtherNames = Boron(III) chloride… … Wikipedia
boron chamber — noun an ionization chamber lined with boron or filled with boron trifluoride gas for counting low velocity neutrons • Hypernyms: ↑ionization chamber, ↑ionization tube • Part Holonyms: ↑boron counter tube … Useful english dictionary