
From kin on the fathers side (related to the father).

Jims blond hair is one of his patrilateral traits.

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  • patrilateral — /pa treuh lat euhr euhl, pay /, adj. related through the father. Cf. matrilateral. [1945 50; PATRI + LATERAL] * * * …   Universalium

  • patrilateral — pat·ri·lateral …   English syllables

  • patrilateral — |pa.trə, |pā.trə+ adjective Etymology: patr + lateral : on the father s side : paternal contrasted with matrilateral …   Useful english dictionary

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  • cross-cousin — /kraws kuz euhn, kros /, n. a cousin who is the child either of one s mother s brother or one s father s sister. Cf. parallel cousin. [1930 35] * * * ▪ anthropology       the child of one s mother s brother or father s sister. Scholars of kinship …   Universalium

  • Structural anthropology — is based on Claude Levi Strauss s idea that people think about the world in terms of binary opposites such as high and low, inside and outside, person and animal, life and death and that every culture can be understood in terms of these opposites …   Wikipedia

  • Alliance theory — The Alliance Theory (or General Theory of Exchanges) is the name given to the structural method of studying kinship relations. It finds its origins in Claude Lévi Strauss s Elementary Structures of Kinship (1949), and is opposed to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Matrilateral — The term Matrilateral describes kin (relatives) on the mother s side . Social anthropologists have underlined that even where a social group demonstrates a strong emphasis on one or other line of inheritance (matrilineal or patrilineal),… …   Wikipedia

  • Notation de la parente — Notation de la parenté L expression système de notation ou notation de la parenté désigne dans les études de parenté, l ensemble des symboles qui permettent de visualiser ou de décrire de façon précise et exhaustive les termes et les relations… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Notation de la parenté — L expression système de notation ou notation de la parenté désigne dans les études de parenté, l ensemble des symboles qui permettent de visualiser ou de décrire de façon précise et exhaustive les termes et les relations qui unissent un… …   Wikipédia en Français

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