- microangiography
The radiography of very small blood vessels using an injected contrast medium
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Microangiography — (US dict: mī′·krō·ăn′·jē·ŏg′·rə·fē[1]) is a recently developed type of angiography that consists of the radiography of small blood or lymphatic vessels of an organ. While most other types of angiography cannot produce images of vessels… … Wikipedia
microangiography — Radiography of the finer vessels of an organ after the injection of a contrast medium and enlargement of the resulting radiograph. SYN: microarteriography. [micro + angiography] * * * mi·cro·an·gi·og·ra·phy .an jē äg rə fē … Medical dictionary
Angiography — Intervention Angiogram showing a transverse projection of the vertebrobasilar and posterior cerebral circulation … Wikipedia
microangiology — noun angiology using techniques such as microangiography … Wiktionary
microarteriography — SYN: microangiography. * * * mi·cro·ar·te·ri·og·ra·phy är .tir ē äg rə fē n, pl phies minutely detailed arteriography … Medical dictionary
Bengt Robertson — Bengt A. Robertson (* 14. September 1935 in Stockholm; † 7. Dezember 2008 ebenda) war ein schwedischer Mediziner (pädiatrische Pathologie). Robertson machte 1953 in Stockholm sein Abitur und studierte am Karolinska Institut in Stockholm Medizin,… … Deutsch Wikipedia