- warfarin
An anticoagulant medication that is used for the prophylaxis of thrombosis and embolism in many disorders.See Also: brodifacoum
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Warfarin — 1950, from WARF, acronym from Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation + arin, from Coumarin. The organization describes itself as an independent, nonprofit foundation chartered to support research at the U[niversity of] W[isconsin] Madison and the… … Etymology dictionary
warfarin — ► NOUN ▪ a water soluble compound with anticoagulant properties, used as a rat poison and in the treatment of thrombosis. ORIGIN from the initial letters of Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation + arin … English terms dictionary
warfarin — ☆ warfarin [wôr′fə rin ] n. [W(isconsin) A(lumni) R(esearch) F(oundation) + (COUM)ARIN] 1. a colorless, odorless, tasteless rat poison, C19H16O4, a crystalline powder that causes fatal internal bleeding in rodents 2. this drug neutralized with… … English World dictionary
Warfarin — This article is about the drug with the brandname Coumadin. For the anticoagulant rodenticide poisons often called coumarins or coumadins , see 4 hydroxycoumarins. Warfarin … Wikipedia
Warfarin — Strukturformel Allgemeines Freiname Warfarin Andere Namen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Warfarin — An anticoagulant drug (brand names: Coumarin, Panwarfin, Sofarin) taken to prevent the blood from clotting and to treat blood clots and overly thick blood. Warfarin is also used to reduce the risk of clots causing strokes or heart attacks.… … Medical dictionary
Warfarin — 4 Hydroxy 3 (3 oxo 1 phenylbutyl) 2H 1 benzo pyran 2 on. Er en vitamin K antagonist, antikoagulant, anvendes til hindring af dannelse af blodpropper. Er endvidere anvendt som rottegift (rodenticid). Se også dicumarol. Warfarin er en hvid… … Danske encyklopædi
warfarin — /wawr feuh rin/, n. Chem. 1. a colorless, crystalline, water insoluble anticoagulant, C19H16O4, used chiefly as a rodenticide. 2. Pharm. a preparation of this used in the management of potential or existing clotting disorders. [1945 50;… … Universalium
warfarin — n. an anticoagulant used mainly in the prevention and treatment of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism and to prevent embolism in other patients at risk. It is given by mouth. The principal toxic effect is local bleeding, usually from the … The new mediacal dictionary
Warfarin necrosis — Classification and external resources Examples of coumarin induced skin necrosis, late (left) and early (right) in the disease course. ICD 10 … Wikipedia
Warfarin-Syndrom — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 Q86.2 angeborenen Fehlbildungssyndromen durch bekannte äußere Ursachen, die nicht andernorts klassifiziert werden … Deutsch Wikipedia