Animal welfare — refers to the viewpoint that it is morally acceptable for humans to use nonhuman animals for food, in animal research, as clothing, and in entertainment, so long as unnecessary suffering is avoided. The position is contrasted with the animal… … Wikipedia
animal welfare — gyvūnų gerovė statusas Aprobuotas sritis gyvūnų gerovė apibrėžtis Optimalus gyvūnų fiziologinių ir etologinių poreikių tenkinimas. nuoroda l?p id=434660&p query=&p tr2=2 atitikmenys: angl. animal… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Animal Welfare Board of India — The Animal Welfare Board of India, the first of its kind Animal welfare organization to be established by any Government in the world, was set up in 1962, in accordance with Section 4 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Acts 1960 (No.59 of… … Wikipedia
Animal Welfare Institute — The Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) (SAPL), pushes for the passage of laws that reflect this purpose.Campaigns and GoalsIn the organization’s early years, its particular emphasis was on the needs of animals used for experimentation. AWI expanded… … Wikipedia
Animal Welfare Act — An Animal Welfare Act has been legislated in various countries, including the US, to protect the welfare of animals. The AWA requires that minimum standards of care and treatment be provided for certain animals bred for commercial sale, used in… … Wikipedia
Animal welfare in Nazi Germany — There was widespread support for animal welfare in Nazi Germanycite book author= Thomas R. DeGregori title= publisher= Cato Institute location= year= 2002 pages= p153 isbn= 1930865317 oclc= doi=] and the Nazis took several measures to ensure… … Wikipedia
Animal Welfare Institute — L Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) est un organisme de charité américain fondé en 1951 dans le but de lutter contre la maltraitance animale. Sa division législative, la Society for Animal Protective Legislation (SAPL), a pour vocation d appuyer le… … Wikipédia en Français
List of animal welfare groups — Animal welfare groups argue for greater protection for non human animals, particularly those used by human beings in laboratories or in entertainment, as well as domestic animals such as those used for food, labour, or as companions (pets).… … Wikipedia
animal welfare — The proper care of animals … Combined glossary of agriculture
Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare — The Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare (UDAW) is a proposed inter governmental agreement to recognise that animals are sentient and can suffer, to respect their welfare needs and to end animal cruelty. It is proposed that a UDAW be adopted… … Wikipedia