- Ebola fever
An extremely contagious and often fatal illness caused by the Ebola virus, characterised by fever and internal bleeding, contracted through infected body fluids.
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Ebola fever — noun a severe and often fatal disease in humans and nonhuman primates (monkeys and chimpanzees) caused by the Ebola virus; characterized by high fever and severe internal bleeding; can be spread from person to person; is largely limited to Africa … Useful english dictionary
Ebola Fever — noun see Ebola … New Collegiate Dictionary
Ebola fever — [i: bəʊlə, ə bəʊlə] noun an infectious and generally fatal viral disease marked by fever and severe internal bleeding. Origin 1976: named after a river in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire) … English new terms dictionary
Fever — (also known as pyrexia, from the Greek pyretos meaning fire, or a febrile response, from the Latin word febris , meaning fever, and archaically known as ague) is a frequent medical sign that describes an increase in internal body temperature to… … Wikipedia
Ebola — Virus responsible for a severe and often fatal hemorrhagic fever. Outbreaks in primates, including humans, have been recorded. Initial symptoms are fever, severe headaches and muscle aches, and loss of appetite; blood clots and profuse… … Universalium
Ebola (virus) — Ebolavirus Virus Ebola … Wikipédia en Français
Ébola — Ebolavirus Virus Ebola … Wikipédia en Français
Ebola — noun a severe and often fatal disease in humans and nonhuman primates (monkeys and chimpanzees) caused by the Ebola virus; characterized by high fever and severe internal bleeding; can be spread from person to person; is largely limited to Africa … Useful english dictionary
Ebola hemorrhagic fever — noun a severe and often fatal disease in humans and nonhuman primates (monkeys and chimpanzees) caused by the Ebola virus; characterized by high fever and severe internal bleeding; can be spread from person to person; is largely limited to Africa … Useful english dictionary
Ebola — noun Date: 1977 1. Ebola virus 2. the hemorrhagic fever caused by the Ebola virus called also Ebola Fever … New Collegiate Dictionary