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Atheroma — Classification and external resources Atherosclerotic plaque from a carotid endarterectomy specimen. This shows the bifurcation of the common into the internal and … Wikipedia
atheroma — encysted tumor, 1706, medical Latin, from Gk. atheroma, from athere groats, porridge (related to ather chaff ), in reference to what is inside. For ending, see OMA (Cf. oma) … Etymology dictionary
atheroma — [ath΄ər ō′mə] n. pl. atheromas or atheromata [ath΄ə rō′mə tə] [ModL < Gr athērōma, tumor filled with grainy matter < athēr, awn, chaff + ōma, OMA] a condition marked by deposits of small fatty nodules on the inner walls of the arteries,… … English World dictionary
Atheroma — Ath e*ro ma, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?, ?, fr. ? gr?ats, meal.] (Med.) (a) An encysted tumor containing curdy matter. (b) A disease characterized by thickening and fatty degeneration of the inner coat of the arteries. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Atherōma — (gr.), kleine rundliche Geschwulst, die ohne Zeichen von Entzündung entsteht, s. Brei u. Balggeschwulst. Daher Atheromatös, breiartig, breiartige Masse enthaltend; Atheromatöser Proceß, krankhafter Vorgang an der inneren Haut der Blutgefäße,[886] … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Atherōma — Atherōma, s. Grützbeutel … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Atheroma — Atheroma, s. Balggeschwulst … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
atheroma — noun (plural mas; also atheromata) Etymology: New Latin atheromat , atheroma, from Latin, a tumor containing matter resembling gruel, from Greek athērōma, from athēra gruel Date: 1875 1. fatty degeneration of the inner coat of the arteries 2. an… … New Collegiate Dictionary
atheroma — UK [ˌæθəˈrəʊmə] / US [ˌæθəˈroʊmə] noun [countable] Word forms atheroma : singular atheroma plural atheromas or atheromata medical an amount of cholesterol and other substances that gradually form on the inside wall of an artery and can block the… … English dictionary
atheroma — atheromatous /ath euh rom euh teuhs, roh meuh /, adj. /ath euh roh meuh/, n., pl. atheromas, atheromata / meuh teuh/. Pathol. 1. a sebaceous cyst. 2. a mass of yellowish fatty and cellular material that forms in and beneath the inner lining of… … Universalium
atheroma — The lipid deposits in the intima of arteries, producing a yellow swelling on the endothelial surface; a characteristic of atherosclerosis. SYN: atherosis. [G. athere, gruel, + oma, tumor] * * * ath·er·o·ma … Medical dictionary