
noun /ˈbɔːɹɑːn,ˈbaʊɹɑːn/
A type of frame drum used in Celtic music, which was, by tradition, struck with an animal bone to produce its sound, now more usually this is wood.

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  • bodhran — [bou rän′] n. a shallow, hand held drum played by striking the single drumhead with alternate knobbed ends of a beater: used esp. in Irish folk music * * * bodh·ran (bōʹrän , bouʹ ) n. A hand held goatskin drum used in traditional Irish music and …   Universalium

  • Bodhrán —   [keltisch, bɔdrɑːn], aus Irland stammende, tamburinähnliche einfellige Handtrommel. Das Fell ist mit Nägeln am Zargenrand befestigt und wird mit der Hand oder einem Stock (Tipper) angeschlagen. Mitunter sind auch Schellen im schmalen Zargenrand …   Universal-Lexikon

  • bodhran — [bou rän′] n. a shallow, hand held drum played by striking the single drumhead with alternate knobbed ends of a beater: used esp. in Irish folk music …   English World dictionary

  • Bodhrán — The bodhrán (pronEng|ˈbɔːrɑːn or IPA|/ˈbaʊrɑːn/; plural bodhráns or bodhráin ) is an Irish frame drum ranging from 25 to 65cm (10 to 26 ) in diameter, with most drums measuring 35 to 45cm (14 to 18 ). The sides of the drum are 9 to 20cm (3½ to 8… …   Wikipedia

  • Bodhrán — Le bodhrán (prononc. bawraa n ou en API [ˈbaʊrɑːn]), pluriel bodhráin, est un instrument de percussion utilisé dans la musique irlandaise. C est un tambour sur cadre joué avec un bâtonnet (stick) qui est sans doute dérivé du daf oriental et plus… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bodhrán — El Bodhrán (AFI o ; plural bodhráin) es un tambor de marco (frame drum) irlandés. El diámetro del marco va desde los 25 a los 66 centímetros (10 Bodhrán 26 ), mientras que la profundidad es de entre 9 y 20 centímetros (3 1/2 Bodhrán 8 ). El… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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