
Determined by the value of a variable representing time.

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  • time-dependent — laikinis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. time dependent vok. zeitabhängig rus. временной; зависимый от времени pranc. dépendant du temps; temporel …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Time-dependent density functional theory — (TDDFT) is a quantum mechanical method used inphysics and chemistry to investigate the proprieties of many body systems beyond the ground statestructure. It s an extension of density functional theory (DFT) to the time dependent domain asa method …   Wikipedia

  • Time-dependent gate oxide breakdown — (or time dependent dielectric breakdown) is a failure mechanism in MOSFETs, when the gate oxide breaks down as a result of long time application of relatively low electric field (as opposite to immediate breakdown, which is caused by strong… …   Wikipedia

  • Time dependent vector field — In mathematics, a time dependent vector field is a construction in vector calculus which generalizes the concept of vector fields. It can be thought of as a vector field which moves as time passes. For every instant of time, it associates a… …   Wikipedia

  • time-dependent field — kintamasis laukas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Kintamojo dydžio laukas; jo vertės, susietos su tam tikros erdvės srities taškais, kinta laiko atžvilgiu. atitikmenys: angl. alternating field; time dependent field;… …   Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

  • Multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree — (MCTDH) is a general algorithm to solve the time dependent Schrödinger equation for multidimensional dynamical systems consisting of distinguishable particles. MCTDH can thus determine the quantal motion of the nuclei of a molecular system… …   Wikipedia

  • Multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree — (MCTDH) bezeichnet einen Algorithmus zur Lösung der zeitabhängigen Schrödingergleichung von multidimensionalen Systemen mehrerer unterscheidbarer Partikel. Typischerweise wird MCTDH zur Berechnung der Dynamik molekularer Systeme mit maximal etwa… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Time bomb (software) — In computer software, a time bomb refers to a computer program that has been written so that it will stop functioning after a predetermined date or time is reached. The term time bomb does not refer to a program that stops functioning a specific… …   Wikipedia

  • Time-evolving block decimation — The time evolving block decimation (TEBD) algorithm is a numerical scheme used to simulate one dimensional quantum many body systems, characterized by at most nearest neighbour interactions.It is dubbed Time evolving Block Decimation because it… …   Wikipedia

  • time-independent — adjective Not time dependent; not determined by the value of a variable representing time. Ant: time dependent …   Wiktionary

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