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Apodicticity — Apodictic or apodeictic ( gr. αποδεικτικος, capable of demonstration ) is an adjectival expression from Aristotelean logic that refers to propositions that are demonstrable, that are necessarily or self evidently the case or that, conversely, are … Wikipedia
Apodíctico — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Apodíctico (en griego ἀποδεικτικός, demostrable) es una expresión adjetival proveniente de la lógica aristotélica que refiere a una proposición demostrable, indispensable u obvia, que en caso contrario deviene… … Wikipedia Español
Transpersonal anthropology — is a subdiscipline of cultural anthropology. It studies the relationship between altered states of consciousness and culture. As with transpersonal psychology, the field is much concerned with altered states of consciousness (ASC) and… … Wikipedia