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shelflike — adjective resembling a shelf (or considered to resemble a shelf) shelflike table • Pertains to noun: ↑shelf * * * ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ adjective : resembling or held to resemble a shelf long shelflike wooden tables Rufus Jarman * * * shelfˈlike adjective … Useful english dictionary
shelflike — adjective see shelf … New Collegiate Dictionary
shelf — shelflike, adj. /shelf/, n., pl. shelves /shelvz/. 1. a thin slab of wood, metal, etc., fixed horizontally to a wall or in a frame, for supporting objects. 2. the contents of this: a shelf of books. 3. a surface or projection resembling this;… … Universalium
bracket fungus — the leathery, corky, or woody, shelflike basidiocarp of certain wood rotting fungi that form on tree trunks, lumber, etc.; conk. [1895 1900] * * * or shelf fungus Basidiomycete that forms shelflike sporophores (spore producing organs). Bracket… … Universalium
bracket fungus — noun Date: 1899 a basidiomycete that forms shelflike sporophores … New Collegiate Dictionary
shelf — noun (plural shelves) Etymology: Middle English, probably from Old English scylfe; akin to Old Norse hlīthskjalf Odin s seat Date: 14th century 1. a. a thin flat usually long and narrow piece of material (as wood) fastened horizontally (as on a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
commissural shelf — (MOLLUSCA: Bivalvia) The shelflike part of the shell abutting the commissure peripherally … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
cristae — n. pl., sing. crista [L. crista, crest] Shelflike inner folds of membrane in a mitochondrion composed of a middle double layer of phospholipid molecules with a layer of protein molecules on each side … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
bracketfungus — bracket fungus n. Any of various fungi that form shelflike growths on tree trunks and wood structures. Also called shelf fungus. * * * … Universalium
tiertable — tier table (tîr) n. A table having several shelflike tops, one above the other. * * * … Universalium