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scléral — scléral, ale, aux [ skleral, o ] adj. • 1961; du gr. sklêros « dur » ♦ Anat. Relatif à la sclérotique. Conjonctive sclérale. ● scléral, sclérale, scléraux adjectif Qui a rapport à la sclérotique. scléral, ale, aux [skleʀal, o] adj … Encyclopédie Universelle
scleral — sclerál adj. m., pl. scleráli; f. sg. sclerálă, pl. sclerále Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic SCLERÁL, Ă adj. Referitor la sclerotică; al scleroticii. [< fr. scléral] … Dicționar Român
scleral — Relating to the sclera. SYN: sclerotic (2). * * * scler·al skler əl adj of or relating to the sclera <scleral tissue> <scleral contact lenses> … Medical dictionary
Scleral lens — A scleral lens is a large type of contact lens that rests on the sclera and creates a tear filled vault over the cornea. Scleral lenses are designed to treat a variety of eye conditions which do not respond to other forms of treatment.… … Wikipedia
Scleral buckle — A scleral buckle is one of several ophthalmologic procedures that can be used to repair a retinal detachment. Retinal detachments are usually caused by retinal tears, and a scleral buckle can be used to close the retinal break.Scleral buckles… … Wikipedia
Scleral spur — The origin of some of the ciliary muscle fibres and the anchor of the trabecular meshwork, the scleral spur is an annular structure that appears as a projection posterior to the canal of Schlemm and whose function is purely mechanical … Wikipedia
scleral ossification — bones lying in and supporting the sclera of the eye. There are commonly two in Perciformes but there is only one in Callionymidae and some Gobioidei (other gobioids have only a circular ribbon of scleral cartilage) … Dictionary of ichthyology
scleral — adjective see sclera … New Collegiate Dictionary
scleral — /sklear euhl/, adj. Anat. sclerotic (def. 1). [1865 70; SCLER(A) + AL1] * * * … Universalium
scleral — adj. pertaining to the white fibrous covering of the eye, pertaining to the sclera … English contemporary dictionary