pescetarian — (; PESH.uh ) n. A person who supplements a vegetarian diet with fish. adj. Also: pescevegetarian, piscetarian. pescetarianism n. Example Citations: Making dinner was tough enough before Junior became a vegan and Dad got on his… … New words
Pescetarian — Pesco végétarien Pesco végétarien est un néologisme, provenant de la langue anglaise pesco vegetarian , qui désignerait une personne omnivore qui exclut la viande, tout en autorisant le poisson. Celui ci est un mot composé, dont la première… … Wikipédia en Français
pescetarian — /pɛskəˈtɛəriən/ (say peskuh tairreeuhn) noun a vegetarian who will eat fish. Also, pescatarian. {variant of Latin pisces fish + arian} –pescetarianism, noun …
Pescetarianism — is a dietary choice in which a person, known as a pescetarian , eats any combination of vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans and fish or invertebrate seafood, but will not eat mammals or birds. Some animal products like eggs and dairy may or may not be … Wikipedia
Vegetarianism — This article is about the deliberate diet for human beings. For types of vegetarian foods, see vegetarian cuisine. For plant based diets in non human animals, see herbivore. Vegetarianism Description A vegetarian diet is derived from plants, with … Wikipedia
List of vegetarians — This is a list of notable people with articles in Wikipedia who are known to be vegetarians. AustraliaVegans*Andrew Bartlett *Peter Brock *Tom Crease *Bernard Fanning *Andrew G *Jay and the Doctor *Steve Kilbey *Fiona Nash *Peter Singer *Peter… … Wikipedia
Пескетарианство — (Ваганизм) (производное от pescetarian, неологизм, образованный слиянием двух слов итал. pesce рыба и англ. vegetarian овощеедение) образ жизни, заключающийся в отказе от употребления в пищу мяса теплокровных. Допускается… … Википедия
pollotarian — n. A person who supplements a vegetarian diet with poultry. adj. Also: pollo‑tarian. pollotarianism n. Example Citations: Now everybody with a cardigan and crocheted beanie has to have their own special food limited diet. Not content with mere… … New words
Steve Jobs — For the biography, see Steve Jobs (biography). Steve Jobs … Wikipedia
List of Dutch vegetarians — This is a referenced list of notable Dutch people who are known to follow a vegan, vegetarian, or pescetarian diet. Included are Dutch people who have self identified as vegan, vegetarian or pescetarian or whose diet has been backed by reliable… … Wikipedia